Stichting EMBO is a foundation organized and existing under the laws of The Netherlands, established in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The Object of the Fund is to assist “Eligible Employees” of the Schlumberger Oilfield Services group and affiliated companies, with their personal taxation liabilities arising on their Employment Income in relation to their respective country of assignment.
Payment dates 2025
Please note that as SLB is moving to a new system during this year (expected between April to July) there is a chance the EMBO payroll days may be impacted & changed.
If so, the new dates shall be shared.
In order to access the navigational information on the left hand side, please register.
Did you know that you can easily remit funds to us by using the little paypal button below?? For payments in Euro’s contact the Fund separately.
Regular mail services please address this to:
Stichting EMBO, fao E. Wessel, P.O. Box 8300, 3009 AH Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
tel.: +31 85 888 0879
Courrier address:
Stichting EMBO, fao E. Wessel, Watermanweg 80, 3067 GG Rotterdam, The Netherlands